Rapid Reviews: Instalment #1

December 1, 2012 at 9:14 pm 2 comments

Welcome to another new feature here at comics, please! In addition to the weekly titles I buy and video review each week, there are also some others that I don’t regularly follow. Rapid Reviews will be my quick reviews feature where I talk a bit about those titles and whether they impress me enough to get added to my pull list. This week for my first segment, I’ll be looking back at some new Marvel NOW! titles that were recently released and some other titles from the last couple of months that caught my interested but I wasn’t too sure about.

Captain America #1

Captain America #1

Captain America #1 (Marvel Comics, released: 11.21.2012)

I’m not the biggest John Romita, Jr. fan. In fact, his art kind of turns me off of titles. It just looks too rushed and lacks the detail I like. Because of that, I was hesitant to give this issue a chance. But I like to think of myself as an open-minded person so art be damned, I read Issue #1. Overall, I did enjoy it. The start didn’t appeal to me with the scene from 1926 and his fight with The Green Skull felt like filler material. But the second half of the issue grew on me. I enjoyed his scenes with Sharon Carter and his capture/escape from Arnim Zola had me paying attention. That, combined with the ending, is what is putting Issue #2 on my pull list. I am interested to read what happens next. Oh, and while I was reading this issue, I didn’t even remember JRJR was on art. It was better than some of the previous stuff I’ve seen him do. Maybe it has to do with not having SO many characters to draw in every issue. If his art stays like this, I can tolerate it.

Indestructible Hulk #1

Indestructible Hulk #1

Indestructible Hulk #1 (Marvel Comics, released: 11.21.2012)

I was debating whether I wanted to buy this issue. On one hand, I’ve been opening up to trying to enjoy some Hulk material. On the other hand, I’ve always thought of Hulk as the self-loathing anti-hero that smashes stuff and hates himself. So when they described this title as one where Hulk is no longer trying to cure himself and is content with what he is and putting his efforts into making the world a better place, I was intrigued. After reading this issue, I can say I’m pleasantly entertained with how it went. I enjoyed the initial meeting between Bruce Banner and Maria Hill (I can’t stop picturing her as Cobie Smulders after watching The Avengers movie) and how they established Banner as no longer trying to find a cure but to put his efforts into “doing as much good for mankind as possible.” I also enjoyed the second half where Hulk battles Thinker. The art by Leinil Francis Yu is pretty good, although there were some pages where maybe less detail would have been better (although that could be an issue I have with the colourist, Sunny Gho, as opposed to Yu). I’m adding this one to my pull list but I’ll be putting it on short leash.

Iron Man #1

Iron Man #1

Iron Man #1 (Marvel Comics, released: 11.07.2012)

There’s some characters I love, some characters I’ll tolerate, some I don’t care for, and some I just don’t like at all. Iron Man seems to fall into that last category. I didn’t watch any of the Iron Man movies when they first came out (I just watched them recently because I was going to watch The Avengers) and I don’t read any of his comics. I just don’t find the character entertaining. But I was hoping this issue would change my perception of Tony Stark for the better. Sadly, it did not. He’s still an arrogant, cocky playboy. In this issue, we see Maya Hansen get killed and Extremis being auctioned off to the highest bidder. The Extremis storyline is regarded as one of the best Iron Man stories (so says Wikipedia) but I don’t know much about it. But apparently, now four people have the Extremis kit and that means bad news for Iron Man. Sorry, maybe it’s my distain for the Tony Stark character, but this issue didn’t do it for me. Writer Kieron Gillen gave Stark way too much internal dialogue and when he was speaking aloud with other characters, I really couldn’t stand him. Suffice to say, I won’t be continuing with this title. I hope Iron Man doesn’t mess up Indestructible Hulk #2, where he is supposed to guest star next month.

Nowhere Men #1

Nowhere Men #1

Nowhere Men #1 (Image Comics, released: 11.28.2012)

I had no interested in this title whatsoever but some folks had been giving this new issue high marks so I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Having read this issue, I can say I don’t see it. The story is about a group of scientists who are the rockstars of the world, scientifically speaking. Why? I don’t know, they don’t tell us that in the first-third of the issue. Because that’s all we’re given of them, just the first-third. The rest of the issue introduces us to a bunch of people who are supposedly infected with some virus. What kind of virus? Again, I don’t know because they don’t tell us that either. What we do know is that they are all quarantined on some great, big carrier in space and no one knows they are there. There was nothing in this issue that hooked me in or made me care for any of the characters and I have no clue what is going on. I didn’t like this issue at all and I will definitely not continue reading this.

Thor: God Of Thunder #1

Thor: God Of Thunder #1

Thor: God Of Thunder #1 (Marvel Comics, released: 11.14.2012)

This was another title that got really good reviews so I wanted to give it a chance. I’m not very fond of stories of gods and heavens and mysticism so my hesitation towards this title can be explained. But give it a chance I did and I found it not half-bad. I wasn’t sure how the three timelines were going to interact but Jason Aaron made it work and it wasn’t confusing at all. I like how Aaron gave each timeline version of Thor a different personality and demeanor. Young Thor was brash and cocky, Present-Day Thor was still brash but more mature, and Ancient Thor was weathered, tired, yet still proud. However, this all would have been for naught if there wasn’t an interesting story to go with it. Fortunately, we have that here. Someone is killing the gods and Thor is next. Was it enough to make me want to buy subsequent issues? Read my rapid review of Issue #2 to find out.

Thor: God Of Thunder #2

Thor: God Of Thunder #2

Thor: God Of Thunder #2 (Marvel Comics, released: 11.28.2012)

So Issue #1 set up each version of Thor and in Issue #2, the focus is mostly on Young Thor, who does battle with the God Killer. The writing continues to be good and the narrative flows well. Aaron even manages to throw in a fourth timeline, albeit it’s one Young Thor is remembering through internal dialogue while he’s fighting. I’m still liking what I’m reading here however at this time, I won’t be adding it to my pull list and I’ll tell you why. While I did enjoy the issue more than I thought I would, at the end there is write-up to the reader by Jason Aaron where he talks about the direction he wants to talk this series. The three timelines will be a recurring theme throughout the series and I’m not sure I’m totally on board with that. That, combined with the genre of this title makes me want to leave this off my list for now. I’m continue to pay attention to where it goes and maybe down the road, I’ll pick it up, but for now, it’s with regret that I leave this off my pull list.

So there you have it, my first instalment of Rapid Reviews. Let me know what you thought of these comics in the comments below and if there’s any title you want to suggest, let me know!

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Pull List Review (11.28.2012) Rapid Reviews: Instalment #2

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. xmenxpert  |  December 2, 2012 at 7:48 am

    Captain America was good. The Green Skull section was hilarious. I have some concerns about stranding Cap away from his supporting cast, particularly Sharon, particularly after we learn she proposed to him. But it’s written well.

    Hulk was good, but it bothers me that Waid threw out years of character development. Banner stopped trying to cure himself of the Hulk a while ago. And he’d better not have the Hulk behaving in his stupid “Hulk smash” personality, because he hasn’t been like that in a long, long time.

    Iron Man #2 was better. I love Gillen as a writer. With #1, the writing was tough to follow because the art was so horrific that it distracted me. Greg Land’s traced faces got downright Lovecraftian there. #2 was almost entirely armour, so the art wasn’t as bad. That made the writing easier to enjoy.

    Thor is one of the best of the Now! titles. No question.

    • 2. 604comics  |  December 2, 2012 at 1:13 pm

      I’ve never read a stand-alone Cap title before so it will be a nice change for me NOT seeing him lead a team of Avengers. I also hope they don’t let Sharon sit idly while Cap is off on his adventures, I want to see more of them together. As for Hulk, it looks like he’s going to be a little bit more selfish and sneaky (bribing Hill with some as-yet-to-be-revealed info, jealous of the attention Reed and Tony get, etc.). I’m interested in this. I’ll give IR#2 a read, only because you said it was better than the first issue. If it still sucks, then I’m blaming you, my good sir!

      Thanks for the comments!


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